Saturday, November 26, 2011

Allie is 1!!!

My little Allie Sweet is one year old!! She had a fun day spending time with her Colorado Newton family! That afternoon, we headed to Pamma and Grandpa's House to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family (more pics to come). She is such a great baby girl and we love her so much! She is a smiley, happy, and easy going girl!

Practicing and getting stronger!

Fun presents from the Colorado Newts!

Me and my birthday baby!

A Thanksgiving birthday cake!

Lyssie and Allie spent a lot of time together!
Strike a pose birthday babe!

They came a long way to celebrate with Allie!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ballerina girls!

Maddie was over and I get her ready for her dance class on Monday afternoon before Kristie comes to pick her up. Claire wanted to dress up and go to dance class also! (Interestingly enough, Claire won't dress up for her dance class on Friday.)

Almost a 1 year old!!

My little Allie is growing up so quickly! She has been pointing at everything and trying to talk. Right now, her favorite words are "momma" and "baba" and has made her dadda proud by saying that also! She just recently started showing us some attitude. When she is finished with her meal, she will throw the food off of her tray in an angry manner or swat at her spoon. It's quite messy!

Playing with her airplane toy

She loves her "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?" book.

Playing "airplane" with mom!

She found this pacifier and thought it was hilarious! She never really used one, so this just cracked me up!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Claire's Christmas list!

I asked Claire what she would like and this was her response:

1. Clothes- I asked her what kind, and she said "kitty cats" on it! (size 3T if you are wondering)

2. A doggie

3. Doggies and kitty get the idea!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Claire wore an elephant costume (thanks Shook family) and Allie wore Maddie's lady bug outfit! Maddie and Claire went trick-or-treating and were literally screaming with delight. Our neighbors, Dave and Alice joined us! We had a great time!
Claire with Rapunzel!

Neighborhood girls!

Great Granpa and Grandma Mueller

We made a quick visit to St. Louis last weekend for Great Grandpa's 84th Birthday! We went to dinner at Tony's Place and had a nice time visiting with both Great Grandma and Grandpa. The girls were a bit crazy going down, but they were good on the return trip home!
Allie playing with Great Grandpa's walker. The walker has been a favorite of all of the grandkids!

Mueller gang around Great Grandma's chair. Claire also enjoys rocking in her chair!

Allie having fun spitting out her bread, she stuffed too much into that little mouth of hers!

Very sweet! Great Grandpa and his granddaughters!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All Aboard Diner!

Claire and Frankie sat at the counter by themselves! The moms sat behind them at a table.

Claire, Frankie and Cole were mesmerized by the train! There are about 10 different buttons to push that activate the train, carnival rides, a dog park, etc. It's really cool!

The kids kept trying to get quarters from us so that they could go on the train ride!

Claire blowing her train whistle on the way out! What a fun time!

Johansen Farms

We met Frankie and Cole (and their moms and sisters) at Johansen Farms in Bolingbrook. They had fun looking at the animals and running all around! Claire didn't really smile for her photos that day, but she did have fun!

After the farm, we headed to All Aboard diner for lunch!