Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 5-6

This past week Claire got to meet so many family members! We went to Colorado for Chris and Luz's wedding. What an event!

Claire spent a lot of time with her Aunt Lyssie! What a lucky girl to have such great aunts!
A cute pic on GG's lap.

Here is Claire with her Great Grandma (GG). She spent much of the weekend in GG's care!

The beautiful bride with something borrowed!

Claire with her Grandparents, Uncles Cayle and Cooper, and Aunt Lyssie.

More family! She was very comfy on her Great Gramps lap!

Great Gramps and Joan.

Meeting her Great Grandparents for the first time!

Meeting her Gramps for the first time!

Claire did great on her first flight! We were upgraded to first class-how fitting!

The girls at our 30th birthday dinner.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

1 Month Stats

Claire had a doctor appointment today for her 1-month follow up. This past month has flown by!

Weight: 10# even (75th %tile)
Length: 23 inches (95th %tile)
Head Circumference: 14 5/8 (50th %tile)

She's up almost 3# and has grown 3 inches since she was born. She's starting to smile at us and is getting much stronger and gaining more control of her head.

Week 3 and 4 pictures

Pretty Pacifier!

Look who's starting to smile!

Napoleon gets curious about Claire and likes to sniff her!
Chillin' on the Boppy Lounger

  • Claire meets Frankie!


It was impossible to get a good shot of the whole group! Claire rests on Gia, who took good care of her! Dora and Frankie are new friends too!