Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Last day of 1st grade

Claire wore the same shirt on the last day of Kindergarten

 These two were waiting with cookies!
 Claire and her teacher Mrs. Machon
 Walking back to our usual parking spot.

Allie Susan is a graduation girl!

 Posing in her dress with some water spilled on it!  She picked out this dress for her graduation herself.

 I feel like Claire just graduated from Grace, it was two short years ago.

 Allie chatting it up with friends before the graduation
 She was so happy.  It makes me tear up just seeing her like this!
 Dane is graduating also!
 Allie doing her part in Alice the Camel

 The teachers!  Allie had Mrs. Chantry M/W/F and Mrs. Alonzo T/Th and Mrs. Grabske everyday.
 The kids made the banner
 Me and my Allie
 Nose to Nose
 Dad's turn!

Last day at Grace

 Sweet shots before school
 Walking in
 Hanging backpacks on the hooks.  They always wanted their backpacks to be next to one another.
 Off to wash hands
 Entering the class and hugging the teachers
 After school at pickup!  No more preschool!
 The kids all laugh at Charlie after school and are always excited to be reunited with him!
 Checking the mailboxes one last time
Allie loved her last two years at Grace!  

Colorado trip for graduation and Chip's birthday

On our way in first thanks to Matt's travel schedule.  The kids were very good and the people around us complemented them.  What more can we ask for!

 Matt did a good job controlling this crazy boy!
We had time at the botanic gardens, it was a beautiful day!
 The crew!

 He liked playing the piano
 For some reason Charlie loves riding on elevators!
 The Beatles party was a great time!  The kids had so much fun together!  It was an awesome graduation party for the boys and birthday for Chip.
 Family shot
 William slept over and took a ride with us to the airport tomorrow.  Claire and William took turns reading from an Elephant and Piggie book which was adorable.
 When the sun hits Claire's hair, it glows!
 Charlie liked rolling through the airport in his convertible travel seat/stroller!

May pics from phone

 On nice days we walk home from school with Bella and Sofia came with to play after school.  Sweet first graders!

 Allie put together her Christmas train and loves setting it up.  Charlie watches with amazement!
 She's a sweet little engineer!
 We visit Great Grandma once a week.  She loves Charlie and always tells me that she thinks he is so smart and can't get over it!  I agree ;)!
 Me and my Emmie taking a selfie!
 Emmie being cute with Great Grandma
 Dane comes over a lot after Grace (and Allie goes to his house a lot too) and they colored this pretty picture.
 Sliding in the backyard
 Claire and Allie's last day of swimming lessons.  Claire gets to move up to the next level next year!
 Claire would be such a great big sis and if Allie did something like put her head in the water, she'd always give Allie a high five.  Love the support!

 End of the year choir party at Party Time Palace
 Charlie got to sit in an airplane
 The slightly shorter 'do
 Being silly sisters.  Claire got to pick out a lollipop after her haircut and thought it would be nice to get one for Allie.